The Venture rewards credit card is given by Capital one. It is an affordable travel reward card which gives its users lots of benefits. It offers more earning potential and a higher introductory bonus. This credit card has a lot to offer. This credit card is made for individuals with good or excellent credit scores of above 670. This credit card makes it quite easy for users to rack up lots of miles, it gives two miles per dollar on every purchase you make. This feature makes it easy to rack up plenty of rewards without having to weigh your spending to a particular card. Users are able to redeem miles for any airline, hotel, rental cars and lots more. This card offers a large sign up bonus to its new cardholders. The miles you earn are worth one cent, this makes it easy to keep track of how much you have to spend.
How the Card Works
As a cardholder, you get to earn 2 miles per dollar on every purchase you make. It offers 60,000 bonus miles when you spend $3000 in the first three months. It doesn’t give an annual bonus. It has an annual fee of $95. It has a variable APR of 17.24-24.49%. In order to get the best out of your miles, save them for travel purchases. Redeeming your miles for these purchases is quite simple. Log into your account on Capital one website, choose the option to redeem a purchase to view all eligible travel costs from the last 90 days. When you do that, you will receive a statement credit in the amount of the purchase. Venture also offers some reward options as follows;
- You get to enjoy travel purchases in capital one travel center; 1 cent per mile
- You get outside travel purchases using purchase erase; 1 cent per mile
- Access to a free gift card; 0.8-1 cent per mile
- Statement credit; 0.5 cent per mile
- Check; 0.5 cents per mile.
1) It offers fraud protection
2) It gives travel accident insurance
3) It has an extended warranty
4) You can pay for a rental car on your card
5) Access to road side assistance
6) You have the opportunity to generate a unique virtual card number
7) Zero penalty APR
8) You stand a chance to win $20,000 for the beginning of your first 12 months.
How to Apply
- Visit the venture rewards credit card application page
- Once the page loads, tap on ‘apply now ‘
- Enter your personal information such as your first name, middle name, last name, date of birth, and social security number
- Enter your contact information such as your residential address, apt/suite, zip code, city, state, email address, phone number
- Enter your financial information
- Indicate if you have a bank account
- Read and accept the terms and conditions.
To have access to your credit card account, follow the steps below;
- Visit capital one login page
- Key in your username and your password in the space provided
- Tap on the ‘sign in ‘ button to access your credit card account.
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