eBay is very useful when clearing out items you no longer use in your home, it is useful in bargaining for other people’s unwanted items on the internet. Although you don’t have to leave your eBay account open if you’re not using it. The eBay account can be deleted, but first, you need to ask yourself.

What Happens When I Delete My eBay Account?
Deleting your eBay account may not take place immediately when you begin the process, but it’s a permanent step if you follow it through. You’ll no longer be able to buy or sell anything on the site, all feedbacks will be lost as well as all purchases and sales histories.
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How to Delete My eBay Account
Before you begin the process of deleting your eBay account, you have to keep everything in order and make sure of the following:
- You have no outstanding balances with sellers, buyers, and the site itself.
- All fees must be paid and your balance at zero.
- You must have no unresolved suspensions or restrictions.
- You must not be actively bidding on any item.
If you tick the boxes of the above mentioned, then you’re ready to delete your eBay account. There are a few steps to follow in order to achieve that.
- Go to the eBay homepage and log in your account.
- Go to My eBay, then select Account tab.
- Select the Close my account link from the right-hand side.
- You’ll be taken to a help page that will try to dissuade you from following through with your deletion. If you still want to carry on, then follow the next step.
- Under the Closing your eBay account heading, read through the steps to make sure all requirements are met. When ready, select the blue Submit a request to close your account text.
- You will then be asked to confirm why you want to close your account. Use the drop-down menu to select your reason, if willing, select a more detailed reason.
- Select the blue “Continue” button.
- eBay will proffer you some help to try and mitigate the issue without closing your account. If you’re determined, select No please close my account from the drop-down menu, then select “Continue” again.
- Read through the information about closing your account on the last and final page. When ready, tick the box to confirm you’ve read everything, then select “Continue” one last time.
Your request to close down your account will then be sent to eBay. You should receive an email confirmation of this in the next 24 hours to confirm it’s receipt. If your account hasn’t been used for any buying or selling for the last 60 days, then the account closure will take place within 30 days. If the account was used more recently, then it will remain open for 60 days.
You can decide to change your mind during this period, but once the time elapses, your account will be deleted and if you wish to use eBay again, then you’ll be required to open a new account.
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