Apart from some big businesses and organizations that make use of slide presentations in their strategic meetings, a lot of people would be surprised to find out that Microsoft PowerPoint has been around for about 30 years now. It was initially created by Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin for Macintosh computers in 1987 before Microsoft acquired it shortly after it was released. PowerPoint has quite some useful and interesting features for creating slide presentations. Animated GIF(Graphic Interchangeable Format) has also been in use around since it was introduced in 1987 by a team of developers led by Steve Wilhite, and in recent times has been used more commonly, as several apps have been published to assist people to make their GIFs quite simply, using images of their choice. Adding GIFs to your PowerPoint presentation gives it some lively form of expression and makes it appear more interesting. The method for inserting a GIF into PowerPoint for a Mac and Windows operating software differs slightly, although it’s quite as easy as inserting a picture into your slide.
Inserting GIF into PowerPoint For Mac
To include a GIF into your slide presentation on PowerPoint for Mac, First, choose the particular slide which you want to add the GIF, go to the Home Page of your presentation and navigate to “insert” and click on it. Next, click on “Picture” and then click on “Picture from file”. Browse through your files and select the file which contains the GIF and click on “Insert”. To test that the GIF would actually play rather than remain static, go to “Slide Show” and click on “From current slide”, and the GIF would automatically start playing.
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Inserting GIF into PowerPoint For Windows
To include a GIF into your slide presentation on PowerPoint for Mac, First, choose the particular slide which you want to add the GIF, go to the Home Page of your presentation and navigate to “insert” and click on it. After clicking on insert, click on “Pictures” and then browse through your files and select the file which contains the GIF, and then click on “insert”. To test that the GIF would actually play rather than remain static, go to “Slide Show” and click on “From current slide”, and the GIF would automatically start playing. You can also upload GIFs directly from the internet to your presentation via your PowerPoint. To do this, you would choose “Insert Online Pictures” and enter “Animated GIF” into the search box, and then make a pick from the options.
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