In most countries, before you can be allowed to be an Uber driver (in most companies Uber drivers are those drivers that deliver goods and services) you must have the necessary requirements as stipulated in the policy or constitution. And most of those requirements include:
- You must have a well-documented as well as comprehensive third-party damage cover.
- You must be on the list as an insured driver under the policy, even if the car you are currently driving is not legitimately yours.
- Your insurance policy must contain the type of vehicle, the make of the vehicle, the year bought as well as the date registered under the insurance firm as an insured.
- The insurance policy must display as well as have an effective and expiry date of which must be duly stated.
![Insurance for Uber](
The question that comes to the heart of most uber drivers is that what is the exact kind of insurance do they actually need to apply for hence most times they are given divers criteria to meet up with. Some have argued that Uber drivers should go for Life insurance whereas others have told them to go for the auto insurance. However, the both insurance tends to be contradictory most times as the scholars whom stands for the life insurance has postulated that it will make the Uber drivers happy and secondly the uber drivers does not need to insure that of another man’s car that was the reason at which they posited that the Uber drivers should only opt-in for that of the Life Insurance. The topic above is a very critical one and needs urgent attention as well as critical analysis for effective and a satisfactory answer.
To be truthful in this case, there is no insurance company of any kind that covers for Ubers and it is very difficult for them as regards choosing a particular insurance policy to apply for. This has drawn attention to most of the insurance firm as they are currently working towards ensuring that they provide a policy that could enable the Uber drivers to apply. But it has however been discovered that the Personal insurance policy is best suitable for the Uber drivers since they are majorly into delivery and most times the Car is not theirs; thus with the personal insurance they have certain amount of coverage as regards their life during the period in which they are working as an Uber. Also if the owner of the business (car delivery) can do an insurance policy that will go a long way then I feel it could cover the Uber drivers as well as the car because the Business insurance will both cover the employees as well as his cars do that the Uber even while driving can feel a sense of safety.
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