Susi 2022 Summer Exchange Program to the United States
The Susi 2022 Summer Exchange Program will be in conjunction with the University of Maryland (UMD) and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Click the link below to apply:
This exchange program will be sponsored by the Susi Scholarship Foundation and will bring ten students to the United States for one month during the summer of 2022.
SEE:Dalhousie University Scholarship 2022
During this time, students will live with American host families in America’s heartland, explore American culture and history, interact with students from UIUC and UMD, and enjoy what America has to offer during the summer months.
What is a Summer Exchange Program?
An exchange program, in its most basic form, is an educational opportunity that lets students spend time living and studying in another country.
It’s a great way for kids (or adults) who speak English as a second language to improve their fluency, as well as get exposure to different cultures and ways of life.
Students participating in an exchange program learn about another country’s history, traditions, and customs; gain real-world experience interacting with other kids their age; and become more familiar with English through immersion.
In addition, American students are given an opportunity to learn about life from a different perspective—to see what it’s like on the other side of The Pond, as it were.
What does it Entail?
A first-hand account from a young woman who traveled from her home in Spain to live with an American family for an entire summer, told through a series of journal entries.
Along with being a great way for students interested in international relations and cultural immersion, Susi also provides students with lots of helpful tips about what they should expect (in terms of food, living arrangements, culture shock and anything else that might come up) during their time away from home.
Students will gain valuable insight into another culture while learning how to write professionally.
The author’s skill at describing both details and overall themes makes it very easy for readers to enter her mind as she gets used to life away from everything she knows.
What are its Benefits?
The exchange program provides a valuable learning experience for future leaders who will one day be in charge of promoting and protecting U.S.-Swiss relations.
It also creates important networking opportunities for American and Swiss students, who can learn more about each other’s cultures, education systems, values, and worldviews.
The program will strengthen people-to-people ties between Switzerland and America, creating a better understanding of our two countries while helping international friendships blossom.
In addition to visiting our nation’s capital, future participants may also spend their exchange semester studying in several U.S. cities like Houston or New York City; traveling around our country is an excellent way to gain new perspectives on life abroad as well as on your own home turf.
What if I don’t want to Leave Sweden?
If you don’t want to leave Sweden and go study in North America, you may be able to do an exchange with a college in Sweden instead.
There are many Swedish universities that have already established international exchange agreements with colleges all over North America.
If your Swedish university does not have an agreement yet, you could consider helping them create one.
An alternative is going on a study abroad program at another Swedish university. You can also try looking into government-sponsored programs (the Swedish Council for Higher Education has information).
At last, if none of these ideas sound appealing, look into studying in Canada or Australia instead—they’re just as good and only slightly farther away!
Am I eligible?
Though US/Swiss governments have yet to negotiate terms, it’s likely that Susi will be accepting only applicants from Switzerland in 2022.
However, if you’re an international student who has lived in Switzerland for at least 3 years, your chances of being selected are high.
How do I apply?
First, you must have at least an intermediate command of English (A2/B1 CEFR). The deadline for applications is on August 1st 2022.
To apply, send an email with your complete name and address, a CV with photo and references (if available) in English and German to
Your application will be treated confidentially. Make sure that your CV is only sent once! Multiple applications do not increase your chances of being selected.
The selection will take place by lottery in two phases: first we’ll select about 200 applications for interviews from all countries in which someone has applied; second, 50 lucky candidates will be selected from these interviews to go on exchange to Susi 2022.