On average, about 500 hours of video are uploading to YouTube every minute. That’s why the competition over there is very high, it’s a challenge that YouTube is doing all it can to meet.
In the main time, YouTube is distributing information about a metric named the “Volatile View Rate.” This is a measure of the percentage of video views on YouTube that come fomr videos that violate YouTube’s policies.

The Volatile View Rate
Information about the Volatile View Rate will be shared quarterly in YouTube’s Community Guidelines Enforcement Report.
YouTube allegedly developed its Volatile View Rate measure in 2017, although it will now be clearer when it comes to sharing this information. The company hopes to reduces the number of view times by sharing this Volatile View Rate information.
In a blog post, Jennifer O’Connor, YouTube’s director of Trust and Safety observes that:
“The most recent [Volatile View Rate] is at 0.16-0.18% which means that out of every 10,000 views on YouTube, 16-18 come from violative content. This is down by over 70% when compared to the same quarter of 2017, in large part thanks to our investments in machine learning.”
The report goes on to say that YouTube, to date, deleted more than 83 million vidoes and 7 billion comments that violated its Commmunity Guidelines. O’Connor observes that, using its AI-aided algorithms, the popular video platforming is now able to detect 94% of content that violates its rules using automatic flagging.
Just because they decided to implement Volatile View Rate doesn’t mean its the only metric YouTube uses for assessing its success at terminating violating content. It also uses data related to turnaround time when it comes to removing content. But, as O’Connor observes, this is not a perfect metric. She writes:
“For example, compare a violative video that got 100 views but stayed on our platform for more than 24 hours with content that reached thousands of views in the first few hours before removal. Which ultimately has more impact? We believe VVR is the best way for us to understand how harmful content impacts viewers and to identify where we need to make improvements.”
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