You can add your personal music collections to your YouTube Music library just by uploading your songs and albums on YouTube music. After you have uploaded your music, you can be able to make use of YouTube Music to play your uploaded music as part of your interesting experience.
How You Can Upload Music on YouTube Music
There are two ways in which one can upload music on YouTube music.
On a computer:
- The first thing you need to do is to drag your files to any area on
- Then go to and tap on your profile.
- Tap on Upload music.
The allowed file formats for uploads includes; MP3, WMA, M4A, FLAC and OGG.
- You will then notice a progress bar showing that your music is uploading and you will get a confirmation message immediately after the songs have been uploaded. It might take some time for your uploaded music to show up in your library, even after it has successfully been uploaded.
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Some things you need to have in mind:
- Uploading of music cannot be completed in your YouTube music app.
- It is not possible for you to upload music to a channel on your brand account. But you can move your channel to a personal account if you want to upload music.
- One good thing is that you can upload about 100,000 songs in the library of your YouTube music.
How You Can View, Manage, And Search for The Songs You Uploaded
If you wish to view or manage the music that you upload, you first have to go to the Library Songs Uploads or the Library Albums Uploads. So, to see your uploads in the YouTube Music app, you must be making use of the YouTube mobile version 3.51+ or newer version.
if you want to search for a song that you uploaded, just click on “Uploads” after searching in order to view uploaded search results.
Some of the things you need to know about music uploads:
- Uploading your music may not influence your music recommendations in the YouTube Music.
- You are the only one who can play the songs that you uploaded; other YouTube Music users will no access to your uploads on YouTube music.
- When you share a playlist that contains the music you uploaded with any user, they will not have the ability to play the uploaded songs in your playlist.
- Every YouTube Music user has the ability to create playlists that contain uploaded music and songs from YouTube Music.
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